Midweek Takeaway with Professor Richard Conroy, Chairman and Cathal Jones of Conroy Gold (AIM:CGNR) #CGNR

Season 8, Episode 6,   Apr 30, 06:00 AM

Phil Carroll and Kevin Hornsby talk to Professor Richard Conroy, and Cathal Jones of Conroy Gold after the company just announced that its joint venture partner, Demir Export, will exit their joint venture, retaining a 2% net smelter royalty capped at their total €5.65 million  euro investment. Despite the JV's dissolution, Conroy Gold is pleased with the advancements, including discovering a second district-scale gold trend. The partnership accelerated exploration and shifted the company's focus from exploration to mine development. Conroy Gold will seek a new partner to continue developing its gold trends, which show significant potential akin to major deposits like Fosterville in Australia. The company appreciates Demir Export's contributions to its exploration success and is optimistic about future developments in its Irish and Northern Ireland licenses.

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