Planet of the Apes (Rise of, Dawn of, War for)

Episode 42,   May 01, 02:00 AM

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Planet of the Apes (Rise/Dawn/War)... is it a trilogy... a set... a tribe... a troop? We don't know, but it sure as hell stars Andy Serkis mo-capping the hell out of Caesar – a very smart, very angry, very sexy, ape.

Rupert Wyatt began the Rise of in 2014, with Matty Reeves picking up the cinematic banana for 2014's Dawn of and 2017's War For (WAR FOR!). Joe & Adam mull over what an Apes flick is, if this set are proper Forgot You Forgots, and swirl around the general post-apocalyptic vibe. Oh, and Adam has Serkis humble pie to chew on. 

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