ROUNDTABLE: Registration fees for political parties

Episode 2726,   May 06, 08:53 AM

As the country prepares for the ending of the transitional period, the political processes leading to the elections are underway. Already, the Political  Parties Council and National Election Commission have started their respective preparations. Early this year, the Political Parties Council notified all unregistered political parties to submit their credentials and applications for registration. The aspiring political parties must meet some criteria, key among is the registration fees of US$50 000. Some political players say the amount is exorbitant and it will exclude some competent political hopefuls. 
So, is the imposed US$50, 000 registration fees on political parties an attempt to limit that political space and environment for some political parties? Yach Garang James is in conversation with: 
Dr. Gai Chol Paul, Chairperson for the Peoples’ United Forum (PUF) 
Peter Lomude, NDM and Chairperson of CDF 
Deng Bol Aruai, Chairperson of Common People’s Alliance.