Mistakes female entrepreneurs make when it comes to money: Part 2 - What to do about it

Season 3, Episode 49,   May 14, 2024, 05:30 AM

Are you not where you thought you’d be when it comes to money 

Are you not earning enough and it’s sometimes really scary 

Are you struggling with rollercoaster months, and a lack of consistency 

Can you not seem to have a breakthrough despite how hard you work 

Are you starting to wonder if it’s you that’s the problem, that maybe you’re not cut out to run a business 

OR maybe you’re doing really well – on paper – but struggling to enjoy your success, it’s not what you thought it’d be? 

If recognise yourself in any of these, this is for you.  

In Part 1 we talked about the common mistakes women make when it comes to being an entrepreneur and money (find Part 1 here

In today’s conversation Part 2 I am going to teach you what to DO about them, and teach you my 5-Step Strategy to rewrite your narrative around money. 

Buckle up for this conversation, it’s going to be a big one. 

Enjoy and don’t forget to let me know what you think. 

Do you know your Authenticity and Alignment score, as a female entrepreneur? 

Take my benchmarking quiz and find out. 

It’s free, takes 5 minutes and will give you a personalised action plan. 

Take the quiz here - https://claire-camszzrt.scoreapp.com/ 

#femaleentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #entrepreneurmindset #moneymindset #authenticleadership