"The Inquisitive Tongue" Nanette Wiser visits "The Study Lounge" Jeff Velazquez: May 2024

Season 1, Episode 7534,   May 12, 2024, 09:22 PM

The Inquisitive Tongue series on RadioStPete.com INSIDER with news director Nanette Wiser discovers a new downtown watering hole. She loves to visit Pete Gallagher and his posse when they host live music (often Wednesday) at The Study, run by retired Marine Jeff Velazquez. This unique downtown "home/work away from home) lets  you self-serve unique wines and craft beers, nibble charcuterie and whipped feta, enjoy a wine and dance social (Latin dance), discover local artists in each monthly new show and even speed date. Tons of events, good music and a relaxed vibe. https://www.facebook.com/thestudystpete
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