I Use To Be Black👧🏽 Now I'm White 👧🏻| 🎙

Season 8, Episode 30,   Oct 07, 2023, 12:32 PM

Hi! I’m Alma, and I’d like to tell you how I turned from black to white. I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out.

I was born in a wealthy, loving family. My parents were amazing. They were smart, kind-hearted and always there for me. I learned so much from them, and they encouraged my natural curiosity every step of the way. I know I wanted to be just like them when I grew up.

They owned a large business that sold medical supplies, and it worked really well. They had many employees, and they always treated them fairly. This taught me how I should behave around other people. No matter their social status and their race, I should always be kind and polite towards them.

Now, I have to admit that we were one of the few families in my neighborhood as I grew up. Most of the kids in my school were white and I knew few people who looked like me except for my family.

My parents always pushed me to try my best and I was one of the best students at school. I participated in lots of after-school activities and even got to be president of the student council, so I was a bit of an overachiever.

Everything would change for me one fateful day, though it started so small that no one saw it coming.

That morning, I woke up as usual and took a shower. I was soaping myself when I noticed a lighter spot on my skin, next to my navel. I completely freaked out!

You see, my skin color was really dark. I wasn’t a light-skinned African American and looked just like my parents. I had long, curly pitch-black hair and matching eyes. So the light spot on my belly really stood up. It wasn’t brown or even caramel, it was pale as snow!

I dried myself off quickly and threw on the first outfit I could find, and rushed downstairs, completely freaking out.

My parents were having breakfast downstairs, and they asked why I wasn’t wearing my school uniform already. I showed them the light spot on my belly, asking them what was happening to me.

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