I Wish I Never Googled Myself 😩 | My Daily Story 🎙

Season 6, Episode 4,   Oct 07, 2023, 03:31 AM

I grew up in a pretty normal family. Dad stayed at home and Mom had some boring job.
Everything was normal until the day I decided to google my own name, and let me tell you, what I found was shocking!

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Life for me was pretty boring if I’m being honest. I didn’t have any brothers or sisters so I spent most of my time alone. Mom was always at work, and Dad spent all day cleaning the house and cooking. That’s why I found myself sitting in my room, with nothing to do. I was bored so I switched on my computer and googled my name.

I was expecting to find maybe the hospital I was born at, or maybe a school certificate. But what I found was more shocking than that. I found a missing persons report and it was me!
I read the article, it was all about a little girl called Katy that had gone missing on a family camping trip. The family had searched and searched for her, but they never found her. They were asking for help to find her.

Well, I could help them. I am Katy! But what did this mean? If they were my real parents, who were the people I was calling Mom and Dad? Then it hit me, my parents must’ve kidnapped me! This was crazy, Mom and Dad were so normal and boring, surely they would never kidnap anyone?

I looked at the photo again, it was definitely me. Well the only way for me to find out what was going on was to contact the police. I looked up the address on the missing persons report. It was a town about 50 miles from where I lived.

So the next day I took the bus there and went straight to the police station. I walked in and the policeman behind the desk looked up and smiled at me.

“Can I help you?” He asked.

“I’m Katy.” I said. “I’m the girl in the missing persons report and I want to find my real Mom and Dad.”

The policeman looked a bit surprised and told me to take a seat whilst he looked up the details of the report. A few minutes later he came back to me, holding a piece of paper in his hands.

“I’m sorry Katy.” He said. “I have some bad news, we have no idea where your parents are now. They moved to another town six months after you went missing, but we don’t know where.”

I was so disappointed, I had felt sure I would find my parents today. I caught the bus and went back home. When I got there Dad was in the kitchen making dinner. I couldn’t let him know that I knew he had kidnapped me, so I just smiled and went up to my room.

How could they have done this to me? I hated my Mom and Dad, but I would have to pretend that everything was fine. Who knew what they might do to me if they knew that I was on to them.

I tried to carry on as normal, but I couldn’t stop thinking about my real parents. I just had to find them and let them know that I was safe. That's when I thought up my plan. Click on this link to subscribe on Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/my-daily-story/id1610950506
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