World War Z

Episode 46,   May 28, 02:00 AM

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It’s zombies! And boy are they fast! Brad Pitt is Gerald 'Gerry' Lane in the Marc Forster directed 2013 action spectacle World War Z.

Joe & Adam ponder the shuffling undead with the scrabbling chasing hungrily raging Zeds, the reshot third act, and why this flick goes down so smooth but is eminently forgettable. 

Then they get into a right old ding dong about Bradley Pitts vs Gorgeous Clooney – who’s bigger now? who’s better overall. Joe’s X poll provides a damning answer… 

We need your Movies You Forgot You Forgot! Please email us with suggestions and they will be added to our Big List! And in the Brad Pitt vs George Clooney vein, tell us who's worst films are worst, and who's best films are better. 

Any other thoughts and comments are more than Also, follow Adam on Letterboxd @errorofways, he will follow you back