Investigating Milwaukee, Part One | Grave Talks CLASSIC

May 25, 10:00 AM

This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!

Paranormal Investigators of Milwaukee, also known as PIM, was founded in 2007 by Noah Leigh. They conduct investigations in private homes and businesses that report supernatural activity, using a scientific method to separate the explainable from the unexplainable, ensuring their conclusions are supported by evidence.

They’ve investigated some of America’s most notorious locations, applying their particular scientific rigor to places that have become shrouded in mystery. Sometimes, that mystery can be easily debunked.

Today on the Grave Talks, we discuss investigative techniques and hauntings in Milwaukee with Noah Lee, Founder and lead investigator, and Gravy, lead investigator, with Paranormal Investigators Milwaukee.

For more information, go to their website,

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