With local NFU Director, Melanie Squires and Jabo Butera of Diversity Business Incubator.

Season 2, Episode 2,   Mar 23, 2022, 12:01 AM

Stuart Elford chats with local NFU Director, Melanie Squires about the challenges facing our region's farmers, why she would recommend farming as a career, modern farming technology and how farmers and local businesses can support each other. Stuart is then joined by Jabo Butera for the Chamber Made section. Jabo shares his personal story about his family's experiences with genocide in Rwanda, levelling-up, his work with Diversity Business Incubator and the reason why a huge part of his life is something close to most of our hearts, coffee!

Stuart Elford chats with local NFU Director, Melanie Squires about the challenges facing our region's farmers, why she would recommend farming as a career, modern farming technology and how farmers and local businesses can support each other. Stuart is then joined by Jabo Butera for the Chamber Made section. Jabo shares his personal story about his family's experiences with genocide in Rwanda, levelling-up, his work with Diversity Business Incubator and the reason why a huge part of his life is something close to most of our hearts, coffee!