Thursday May 23, 2024: Optional Laws; Annoying Phones; Summer Fashion

May 23, 01:57 PM

When was the last time you got butt-dialed? Anna recently got butt-dialed by a ten-month-old!

Anna has three crazy news stories, but Raven can only pick three! Today all of his options are about bizarre arrests!

Raven is a movie buff and sometimes that means he makes references that absolutely nobody understands! Anna and Producer Jon have teamed up to help people understand Raven’s references!

What’s the most frustrating thing about your phone? Anna’s phone can’t seem to tell the difference between Raven and her husband!

Do you celebrate your birthday? Anna believes that adults who celebrate their birthday after a certain age are just being extra!

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the change in how we all buy concert tickets!

Is there a law that you consider optional? Anna used to simply ignore parking meters, until recently…

Looking to put your summer wardrobe together on a budget? Anna invited on Stylist Lauren from The Louraine Group on the show to give some tips on being fashionable!

Raven has been putting together a team for Jeopardy! Anna and Boss Keith are on the team and unfortunately, they failed the test!

Manuel and Kylie’s 13-year-old daughter has told them that she gets bullied by a boy in her class. Both Manuel and Kylie went to high school with the boy’s parents and Kylie think they should just reach out to them on social media and make them aware. Manuel thinks that this is an issue she has to deal with on her own, or reach out to the school, not the parents. What do you think?

Christine as got a shot at $3800! All she has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!