Coastal Creative Founder Zach Moore on "Lunchtime Conversations"

Season 1, Episode 7604,   May 31, 2024, 09:59 PM

RadioStPete.comINSIDER news director Nanette Wiser discovered that Coastal Creative and founder/videographer Zach Moore have dozens of fascinating projects and events in addition to being a full-service digital media studio specializing in digital marketing, video production, photography, graphic design, podcasts, and more. They host lectures and film screening, host comedy shows and book author appearances in conjunction with Tombolo Books. Moore is a budding film maker and has  Known as the "Lovable Maniac", Jessica Michelle Singleton returns to Coastal Creative this Friday, May 31st. Her stand-up performances have received accolades from A-List stars like Jim Carrey, William H. Macy and Gerard Butler. Also in June are comedians Natalie Cuomo & Da, Marty Cunnie, Vik Pandya and in July Jon Rudnitsky, Will Burkart, KC Shornima and others, emceed by the multi-talented Zach, a comedy buff.

Only a few tickets left to come see Oscar-winning cinematographers Team Deakins (Roger and James), as they screen two classic films from their canon: The Big Lebowski and The Shawshank Redemption! They will also be signing copies of their photography book "Byways" on-site! Do not miss a chance to meet these two legends of Hollywood! June 13, 2024 - 4:00PM / The Big Lebowski screening + book signing June 14, 2024 - 4:00PM / The Shawshank Redemption screening + book signing Coastal Creative 2201 1st Ave S  #zachmoore #coastalcreativetv #theater #film #comedy #rogerdeakins #jamesdeakins #standupcomedy #comics #bookauthors #tombolo books #tampabay #radio #radiostpete