The impact European Parliament elections will have on the EU's climate and trade policies
We analyse the results of the European Parliament election in terms of the effect it will have on policies crucial to businesses.
The impact of far right victories will be most felt in climate and trade policy, with a de-emphasis of the green deal and an increase in protectionism as a response to war, pandemic and more muscular trade policy in the US and China.
0'34 news roundup
3'19 feature on European Parliament elections
4'32 what the results were, and why the success of right wing parties matters for policy
6'27 the impact the results have on picking the next President of the EU Commission
8'47 the influence the results will have on the next Commission's policy agenda
9'52 the threat to climate policy and legislation
11'11 the impact of the results on competitiveness and a move towards protectionism
13'01 what companies should do now to be prepared for new policies and even influence them.