HISTORYically St. Pete with Rui Farias Chats with Manny Leto, Preserve The Burg

Season 1, Episode 7650,   Jun 14, 2024, 08:32 PM

HISTORYically St. Pete with Rui Farias is a weekly conversation where the St. Petersburg Museum of History executive director explores the truths, and myths of the people and events that created the Sunshine City. Located on the St. Pete Pier, the Museum of History has been sharing the stories of the Sunshine City for 102 years and we are happy to share those stories with you here on this podcast. "My guest today is Manny Leto, executive director of Preserve The Burg, who commissioned a two year study of the impact of historical preservation in St. Petersburg and of course, Central Avenue where a number of the historic buildings still exist, but not enough of them. Nearly 465 of all building in St. Pete were built before 1960. Learn more about the impact of history and cultural tourism on other cities such as St. Augustine and how it needs to happen here and its positive impact on business.   
 Preserve The Burg
St. Petersburg Museum of History
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