Under pressure! Everything you need to know about glaucoma

Episode 262,   Jun 19, 2024, 09:00 PM

Alex Sigmund, DVM, DACVO, “The Vet Eye Guy” on Instagram, and founder of Insight Veterinary Eye Care, LLC that provides continuing education and teleconsultation services. He enjoys combining his passion for ophthalmology by engaging owners and veterinarians via social media, continuing education events, and one-on-ones. Sigmund wants every veterinarian to be comfortable with the basics of ophthalmology to improve patient care and client understanding. He has plans to start his own private practice in the near future that will focus on the client/patient experience in addition to high quality medicine. 

Sigmund enjoys working with exotic animals at local zoos and aquariums to ensure health and comfort for animals ranging from puffins to elephants. He completed veterinary school at the University of Georgia and a residency in comparative veterinary ophthalmology at the University of Tennessee. His publications have ranged from feline stem cell therapy to cataract surgery in raptors. Sigmund has a wonderful partner, an “old lady dog” named Asima, and a fluffy Ragdoll cat named King Louie that help occupy his time outside of the clinic.