Night Shift with Jeff Nichols

Episode 237,   Jun 26, 08:00 AM

Writer/Director Jeff Nichols (Take Shelter, Mud, Midnight Special) joins Vespe to talk about his new film, The Bikeriders starring Tom Hardy, Jodie Comer, and Austin Butler, as well as the unexpected influence Stephen King's work had on his early work, specifically the badass Michael Shannon vehicle Take Shelter. His chosen topic is Night Shift, but he honed in on one particular short story from King's first collection called Night Surf, which serves as a parallel story to The Stand. We talk about that, how the hell a movie like The Bikeriders can be made these days, and why Nichols associates King readers with smart people in this chat.

Night Shift is King's first short story collection, published in 1978 and compiling a ton of his nudie magazine stories published before he hit fame and fortune. Night Surf is the standout for our guest and that one is more of a chill story about a group of friends hanging out on the beach as a super flu spreads across the world, taking humanity out person by person.