Winning and Growing Aren't the Same Thing | The Breaking Down Revenue Growth Series

Season 5, Episode 1,   Jul 24, 2024, 04:07 PM

Welcome to THIS. with Shauna Griffiths!

After a hiatus the show is back and better. We're infusing the Leadership Athlete mindset into the show and we'll Breaking Down Hot Topics to help you take your game to the next level.

This episode - Winning and Growing Aren't the Same Thing - tips off series called BREAKING DOWN REVENUE GROWTH which taps into consulting work Shauna does as a part of the changeforce management consulting firm.

Shauna's guest for the series is her friend and all-star changeforce teammate who happens to be a First Draft Class Leadership Athlete! Bob Wieser has been advising clients on business development pursuits for nearly 30 years. He’s helped his clients win billions of dollars' worth of contracts including regularly achieving new business pitch win rates in excess of 80%.

Turn it up and buckle up as Shauna and Bob discuss revenue growth realities you'll want and need to know! 

1) Firms driven to win are transactionally oriented.  Firms driven to grow are strategically oriented. They talk They talk about the difference, and what it means to a company's near-term and long-term financial - and organizational - health.

2) There are three "pillars" of strategic growth. Find out what they are! You'll learn how firms can build a business development plan that emphasizes quality growth over the proverbial numbers game. 

3) Find out about the first steps that a business development leader can take to implement a strategic growth plan and why a new mindset is key. You'll walk away knowing about the important transition from "who we are" to "what you get."

By the end of the show, you'll know what Shauna and Bob mean when they say Winning and Growing Aren't the Same Thing. You'll also be able to start using some of the tips you heard in this episode. They'd love to hear your feedback and discuss your game plan. So, drop a comment and reach out to them on Linkedin. 

AND - stay tuned for the next episode in this mini-series on BREAKING DOWN REVENUE GROWTH. 

#consulting #THIS #coaching #growth #revenuegrowth #Leadership #LeadershipAthlete