Michael Whyte at Suburbs Fest

Episode 1919,   Aug 01, 07:00 AM

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Episode 4 from our Live from Suburbs Fest series. Rockford singer-songwriter Michael Whyte performed two songs at Pig Minds Brewing, then hung out for an interview. Come experience a reunion of old friends.

Live songs:
1. "Where the Blue Skies Fell"
2. "To Mexico"

Playout song: "Cash and the Carters," from the Blind Robins' album "Panorama Valley"

Stream the Blind Robins on major podcast platforms.

Find Michael Whyte's solo music at michaelwhyte.bandcamp.com

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If you're glad or sad or high, call the Suburban Party Line — 612-440-1984.

Theme music: "Ascension," originally by Quartjar, covered by Frank Muffin. Visit quartjar.bandcamp.com and frankmuffin.bandcamp.com