The Bardo of Reality | Jnanavaca
Aug 18, 2024, 08:00 AM
Jnanavaca explores ancient teachings from The Tibetan Book of the Dead, ending with this talk on the Bardo of Reality.
In this stirring three-part series, Jnanavaca explores the‘The Root Verses of the Six Bardos’, which exhort us to make the very best of our human situation. Each talk looks at a different Bardo, those moments of potential when something new can arise.
The first talk is on: The Bardo of Reality
"O now, when the Bardo of the Reality upon me is dawning,
Abandoning all awe, fear, and terror of all [phenomena],
May I recognise whatever appeareth as being mine own thought-forms,
May I know them to be apparitions in the Intermediate State;
[It hath been said], 'There arriveth a time when the chief turning-point is reached;
Fear not the bands of the Peaceful and Wrathful, Who are thine own thought-forms'."
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The first talk is on: The Bardo of Reality
"O now, when the Bardo of the Reality upon me is dawning,
Abandoning all awe, fear, and terror of all [phenomena],
May I recognise whatever appeareth as being mine own thought-forms,
May I know them to be apparitions in the Intermediate State;
[It hath been said], 'There arriveth a time when the chief turning-point is reached;
Fear not the bands of the Peaceful and Wrathful, Who are thine own thought-forms'."
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