LIVE LIFE BETTER: Breaking The Sugar Habit
Season 2, Episode 68, Sep 03, 2024, 03:41 PM
In this episode of LIVE LIFE BETTER, news director/host Nanette Wiser helps you sweeten your resolution to break the sugar habit with these tips for reducing sugar cravings. Sugar and weight gain can lead to diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.
- Journal your food intake.
- Drop your sugar intake by not bringing it into the house. The Ohio University Medical Center determined that a sugar detox will take between 3-10 days. The more sugar you are normally taking in, the longer the detox will take.
- Substitute fresh for processed foods. Salad dressings, flavored yogurt, granola, bottled tea, canned soups, ketchup and other foods contain sugar. Avoid soda and fast food.
- Rethink recipes. Cut some sugar out of everything you bake, or consider substituting unsweetened applesauce.
- Sugar comes by a lot of names, so learn to read the lables.
- Artificial sweeteners are NOT the answer.
- Substitute fruit, yogurt, sweet potatoes, and veggie/fruit smoothies
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