Season 2, Episode 4,   Sep 26, 2024, 01:00 PM


The Baltimore Regional Championships have finished and your champion Henry Chao joins the Beach Court Podcast for an exclusive interview talking all things Gardevoir Ex.

On this episode, the podcast crew will all chat with Nolan Randall and learn how the Bats & Bricks deck took over Baltimore

The gang also will review the results of the Baltimore Regional Championships, their tournament runs, deck choices & thoughts on the new tournament structure.

Thanks to Nakama Anime Cafe for being an official sponsor of the Beach Court Podcast! They offer a traditional Japanese dining experience right here in our backyard of Orange Park, FL. Nakama also has a karaoke bar right next door... So you can grab some grub and then head next door to sing along to your favorite Pokemon songs! Find more details at: https://nakamabar.com/nakama-cafe/ Tell them that Beach Court Podcast sent you :)

Follow the Beach Court Podcast Socials:
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/beachcourtpod

The Baltimore Regional Championships have finished and your champion Henry Chao joins the Beach Court Podcast for an exclusive interview talking all things Gardevoir Ex. 

On this episode, the podcast crew will all chat with Nolan Randall and learn how the Bats & Bricks deck took over Baltimore

The gang also will review the results of the Baltimore Regional Championships, their tournament runs, deck choices & thoughts on the new tournament structure.

Thanks to Nakama Anime Cafe for being an official sponsor of the Beach Court Podcast! They offer a traditional Japanese dining experience right here in our backyard of Orange Park, FL. Nakama also has a karaoke bar right next door... So you can grab some grub and then head next door to sing along to your favorite Pokemon songs! Find more details at: https://nakamabar.com/nakama-cafe/ Tell them that Beach Court Podcast sent you :)
Follow the Beach Court Podcast Socials:
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/beachcourtpod

Follow Henry Chao: https://x.com/hchao999
Follow Nolan Randall:https://x.com/Randall_Noles19

Follow the Beach Court Podcast crew on Twitter:
Eric - https://twitter.com/RidgewayTCG
Maddox - https://twitter.com/MaddoxTCG
Parker - https://twitter.com/Squint_PTCG

#pokemon #pokemontcg #beachcourtpodcast #baltimore #Regionalchampionships #podcast #HenryChao #gardevoir #NolanRandall #Bats&Bricks #Noivern