News With My Fiancé - Thursday, October 17th 2024

Season 4, Episode 38,   Oct 18, 2024, 09:00 PM

  • Who is participating in polling?
  • Is Trump IVF’s Baby daddy?!
  • Fall Fund Drive starts next week 
  • City Council vs. Errrybody
  • Do you f*ck with the war?- Since we are a whole year in, what are the people in your life saying?
    • (59:12) PPB wants more officers because…..?
    • (28:37) Landlords caught stealing…AGAIN
    • (47:02) World’s richest man is spending the kind of money that could end poverty for millions of people, in order to keep his billions in USDs


  • Paris, Tokyo - Lupe Fiasco
  • Hold On - The Internet
  • Batman - Jaden
  • Been Caught Stealing - Janes Addiction
  • Glow - Kelis feat Raphael Saadiq
  1. (8:21) GOOD MORNING we did miss you, obvi. And no, I don't have anything else to do. 😂
  2. (9:25) Goodmorning! What are yall gonna be for Halloween?
  3. I mean, it's a day of it when MJ in the house.. Wonderful rising Fiance.. Here's some consistency f*** renee and his new ONE thousand police officers in Hood?? ~💚 p Town..
  4. (11:08) How about that Mayoral debate? My rankings have shifted. 1. Keith Wilson 2. Liv Osthus 3. (Optional) Mingus. Your thoughts?
  5. city council wants a divorce from the joint office?? who's gonna monitor all the kids???(trnts)
  6. (Tents)
  7. Renee's shit show,"to shine up the PALACE" La papa trumpa. LOL 1000 COPS. RENEE would love, love to be trumps approved little shithead minion.
  8. Haha naw I was saying the don't rank Rene was a lil oopsy but shhhhh don't let em here ya
  9. It's resting season, I love cooking and baking this time of year l. I think I'll go to "sh*** hall" to get my Seasonings; for my roasting of the Renee Rump!! Hahaha
  10. I made Fig Jam.
  11. Ooh, and the NEWS cat Installation. This amazing work of art was erected in the park blocks after the removal of the curiosity cats art Insulation.
  12. Responsible researchers should be controlling for sampling variables like age ... remember when polls were only by landlines though? Ha. But I don't think we can underestimate the power of right wing organizing at all.
  13. (26:26) I've always felt that my son being Born into War has indeed shaped is life. My son was born 3 Days before 911.. a lifetime of war the youth have had it.. this Election season ultraverse with the cusp of a Psychopath With the possibility of winning Our highest government? the hell of it. Every One wants off this f****** ride.
  14. The internet is a MESS. Surfacing all the worst, most useless arguments instead of enabling us to focus on coming together around action
  15. OmG, Elon musk what a twit!! I think it's why you changed the name to his company to X, So no one could call him a twit because he owns the twitter..
  16. (27:37) I think it's rooted in racism cause it's the rural white vs the city/New England white as the elite and just ignores all other people that make up the dem party
  17. Also, it's a Full Moon Tonight. I am grateful for the Moons energy!!! Time to moon bath an get my good witch shit on!!
  18. Exploitives!*@&#^$^$^#&@ 
  19. (40:07) Good morning fiances! FYI, it is one Rudo's birthday next Tuesday so definitely don't mention that on the air or anything. 🎃♥️
  20. Wait who are they??
  21. (39:40) State rights is old school terminology, for "we are fascist and want slavery"..
  22. Awww happy birthday RUDS
  23. NOOOOOOOO!!!!
  24. !!!!This!!!! THE HELL PORTLAND?? WTF
  25. (45:58) Rene Gonzalez gives to the NWMF P2P!
  26. Morgan Petty: Won't BACK Down
  27. (1:06:28) Hiiiiii 😍😍😍
  28. Caro Amico opened on Southwest Barbur Boulevard
  29. Bahabahabahabahabaha ah
  30. Elon is a twit
  31. So is Trump Elon's b**** or is it like elon like the pimp
  32. The relationship between those 2..
  33. All y'll Twitters should stop f****** talking on X get off it. Show him where the money is.
  34. Elon stinky a** musk doesn't even go here.
  35. (1:06:34) Good morning fiancés. The system is rigged. Two wings of the same bird. I have to say, let's be real, if Kamala loses it's not because of that villain Elon husk, but because she is committing genocide in the current administration.
  36. Vomit, vomit, vomit! Vomiting!!!
  37. It's performative. If renee gets in, they will be on the same page.
  38. Such an evil villain
  39. Thank you!!
  40. Disturbing
  41. Yap!! loves!! F***** there projects!!!
  42. Byeeeeeeee
  43. Yall crazy! XOXO
  44. Bella says this why dog sniff your a**.. they know who to trust. and that's how dogs VOTE!!
  • Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
  • Poverty is a policy choice
  • People Over Profits
  • Power to the People
  • None of us are free until we are all free