Healing your Inner Child | Mike Campos & Thanking guest, viewers, & listeners for all the love.

Season 3, Episode 30,   Oct 29, 2024, 09:00 AM

Season 3 Episode 10, the last episode to close the season! I wanna cry for several reason. Joy, sadness, im happy, but imma miss you guys. So many emotions.

Never the less, this episode doesn’t get any less or more attention than the others. This episode still brings the opportunity for you to grow, develop and motivate yourself out of the FUNK you find yourself in. Yours truly… hahaha. Mike Campos opens up about healing the inner child. Its gets very personal very quick, but so good and transparent.

People are scared to heal the inner child, why? Because you will have to remember the past, the things we want to block out, realizing that family member took advantage of a small child who didn’t know any better. How people have let you down, becoming codependent, and much more. It can feel like its a mess, why go in?? Because it stops with you! It STOPS with YOU!! And someone brave must step up to safe those coming behind us.

Well that not fair??? Why didn’t those infant of me did that, so that I don’t have to pay??? Because life isn’t fair. Who said life was fair? God definitely didn’t. He said you will have trails and tribulations. And we cannot control the past, nor the future… but what you can control is you! And controlling you, developing you, growing you, challenging you, will create a much bigger impact than just covering up the issues and just letting life pass by.

With so much love I share part of my story to help others, to restore and save anyone thinking there’s nothing else I can do, I have no more hope. That’s a lie, not true… with God there is always a way. It won’t be pretty, or easy… but there’s a way. Amen!

I want to thank all the amazing celebrities, artist, self made bosses, entrepreneurs, humans that have been on this seasons podcast. I have learned so much, God has shown me… we are all the same. We all have the ability and opportunity for prosperity. I have been very humbled and empowered by these great guest.

I pray you also learn, grow and develop. Healing is very important for a greater leap to our full potential. The MAC Effect was created to help you achieve you optimal peak, to challenge chore beliefs, and reach goals that you didn’t think you would or maybe have even died. Not today guys! We fight for ourselves whether we feel like it or not… why? Because its not your fault… its never been your fault… you are ENOUGH! Amen! #Themaceffect #maceffect #mac #mikecampos6 #god #love #hope #faith #joy #question #awakening #understanding #building #fundamentals #ihaveaquestion #iwanttolearn #growing #growingpains #letsgetitright #nottoday #nottodaysatan #jesuschrist #inJesusname #lovealwayswins #peace #letsgetit #testing #learning #process #developing #maturing #fatherhood #motherhood #husband #wife #partnership #equals #tildeath #god #processing #process #guest #podcast #shorts #growth