195 - TikTokers Face Backlash for Selling $98 Pajamas + Molly Rutter Swears Off Men & Gets Political

Nov 19, 2024, 10:09 AM

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In today's episode, we breakdown the chaos that ensued when TikToker's (and sisters) Cecily and Samatha Bauchmann launched "4 The Mems", their new clothing line featuring "matching" sets of Christmas pajamas for the whole family. Why was that chaotic? Because the pajamas cost $98. Spoiler alert: most people don't feel that $98 is a reasonable price for pajamas. Next we revisit yet another famliar face, Molly Rutter! And if you feel like you've had enough of her dating content after last episode,  not to worry! Because Molly has decided to pivot and trade in her dating commentary for ... political commentary! ....Enjoy? 

00:00 Introduction
15:01 $98 Pajama Drama 
52:34 Molly Rutter Says No More Dating Content?
01:34:34 We Love the Internet

We hope you enjoyed this episode! Please let us know on Twitter or Instagram if you have any topic suggestions for next Sunday! (@lily_marston & @jessismiles__)

Jessi's We Love the Internet:
Lily's We Love the Internet:

Business Inquiries: doweknowthempodcast@gmail.com