Demand and Desire - Best Global Green Brands 2012

Jun 25, 2012, 01:19 PM

Welcome back to Demand and Desire: Interbrand’s series of podcasts about the art and science of branding.

This time: a special to link with the Interbrand ‘Best Global Green Brand’ report 2012. Jez Frampton, the CEO of Interbrand and the Global Sustainability Lead at Deloitte Dave Pearson herein discuss the business opportunities and the innovation potential of sustainability.

If you are to expand there are plenty of environmental challenges ahead. You are quickly bought to account if they’re doing the wrong thing - but if you’re doing the right thing it should be noticed. It’s all about the balance between performance and perception…..

Interbrand is the world's leading brand consultancy, specializing in a vast brand services and activities. This is our second Best Global Green Brands report. We begin with the understanding that planet-focused, corporate citizenship efforts of the world's most valuable brands are the efforts most likely to have the largest impact. The result is a comprehensive report of public perception of "green" performance and a demonstration of that performance of some of the world’s most valuable brands.