Standing-Up For Progressive Values and Courage w/ Democratic State Rep. Emily Dievendorf

Episode 200,   Nov 21, 2024, 05:38 AM

#Podcast #PoliticalPodcast #ProgressivePodcast #Politics #Michigan #News #Progressives #EmilyDievendorf #Democrats #Republicans #MAGA #CorporateCorruption #CorporateGreed #CorporateMoney #MoneyInPolitics #Rural #Agriculture #FamilyFarms #Farming #Election2024 #WorkingClass #LGBTQ+ #TransRights #NancyMace #Housing #Homelessness

Here's Episode 112 of Michigan's Premier Progressive Podcast!

00:00-8:50: MI Democrats Lame Duck Holdup

Pat opens-up the episode by covering how the Michigan Democratic state House majority is wasting time on passing meaningful legislation during its final days in lame duck session before MAGA Republicans take the majority in 2025. Progressive members are growing frustrated with Democratic leadership's constant moves to suppress good, progressive bills in favor of bills helping the corporate donor base. 

8:51-39:30: Rep. Emily Dievendorf Interview

Democratic State Rep. Emily Dievendorf (D-Lansing) joins the show this week. The Representative introduced progressive, common sense bills on affordable housing, a homeless bill of rights, and helping families keep their land and homes. However, those bills can't get a vote on the House floor in the lame duck so far because they are either being pushed aside for other bills, or because of political games. Rep. Dievendorf also shares her frustrations on how "centrist" Democrats held-up many good, progressive bills designed to help Michiganders, and rather concentrated on corporate interests instead.

39:31-45:00: Last Call on Disgusting Nancy Mace

Pat's "Last Call" covers how South Carolina MAGA Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace introduced a resolution this week that would bar transgender women from using women's bathrooms in the U.S. Capitol. This disgusting move by Mace is being done because a transgender Democratic Congresswoman will soon be in Congress. However, Democrats are also to blame since their silence on trans-rights issues this election year allowed Republicans to bully trans-Americans. And now, these MAGA Republicans feel even more emboldened to attack another group of marginalized Americans.

44:53-47:18: Ending

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