GOOD DEEDS What's New at Tampa Bay Watch & Holiday Events

Season 2, Episode 255,   Nov 22, 2024, 04:21 PM

In this episode of Good Deeds, host Nanette Wiser talks with Tampa Bay Watch about their recent eco projects and upcoming ones that you can help with. In November their   team and 98 volunteers joined forces with our partners Coastal Conservation Association, Neptune Flood Insurance, Duke Energy, and Port Tampa Bay at Fantasy Island to kick off the second phase of our living shoreline project! Together, we installed 130 oyster reef balls and placed hundreds of oyster shell bags using 2 tons of recycled oyster shells in honor of Fred Crabill, a beloved legacy member of CCA! 
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Help with another round of living shoreline installation on December 11-13. Ditch the gym and join us to make a lasting impact on Tampa Bay
TAMPA BAY WATCH DISCOVERY CENTER Debuts New Mural: In partnership with Shine St. Petersburg Mural Festival, City of St. Pete, and Naomi Haverland, Tampa Bay Watch's new mural at the St. Pete Pier™, celebrates the ocean's tiniest inhabitants—plankton by Florida-based artist Naomi Haverland.
GIVING THANKS Visit the Discovery Center and share what you are grateful for on their Gratitude VOG (vertical oyster garden)!  Stop by to write what you’re thankful for on an oyster shell that will become part of future oyster reefs. It’s a fun, marine-inspired twist on the classic gratitude tree and a beautiful way to celebrate Tampa Bay and all it has to offer! 

#tampabaywatch #discoverycenter #downtownstpete #thepier #recycling #marineconservation #cleanwaters #oysterreefballs #nanettewiser #gooddeeds