Tuesday, November 26, 2024: Tropicana’s New Bottle; Unique Thanksgivings; Chef Plum’s Wine Recommendation!
Nov 26, 2024, 01:56 PM
Anna and Raven meet with Sue from Butterball Turkey to learn about the best way to cook your turkey! Butterball Turkey has a hotline in case your Thanksgiving turkey is not coming out as you planned!
Tropicana has released a new bottle for its orange juice and fans are not thrilled with the change! Anna brings the OJ bottle into the studio to get Raven’s reaction!
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the current trends including traveling on the roads, TSA’s guidelines for Thanksgiving foods on a plane, and the pardoned turkeys Peach and Blossom stay in a hotel!
The crew goes around the room to share what makes their family’s Thanksgiving unique, everyone shared a dish, but Producer Julie’s family used food to make… ornament’s?
The Anna and Raven Roadshow is back! Ryan Brechlin from Nest Egg Auction will be appraising items from EM and Paul! Some of these items are worth way more than what you thought!
Chef Plum is back in the studio, this time he has a wine that will pair perfectly with your Thanksgiving meal! Anna and Raven even get to do a taste test on the air!
Keith and Marissa’s college aged daughter is coming home from college for the first time. They typically travel to Marissa’s mother’s house for the weekend. Her daughter doesn’t want to go because she really would like to see her friends. She wants to just stay home and miss seeing her grandmother. He doesn’t think it’s a big deal, plus, she’s an adult now. She can make her own decisions. Marissa disagrees, on the holidays, they visit family. What do you think?
Lauren has a chance to win $2500! All she has to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!
Tropicana has released a new bottle for its orange juice and fans are not thrilled with the change! Anna brings the OJ bottle into the studio to get Raven’s reaction!
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the current trends including traveling on the roads, TSA’s guidelines for Thanksgiving foods on a plane, and the pardoned turkeys Peach and Blossom stay in a hotel!
The crew goes around the room to share what makes their family’s Thanksgiving unique, everyone shared a dish, but Producer Julie’s family used food to make… ornament’s?
The Anna and Raven Roadshow is back! Ryan Brechlin from Nest Egg Auction will be appraising items from EM and Paul! Some of these items are worth way more than what you thought!
Chef Plum is back in the studio, this time he has a wine that will pair perfectly with your Thanksgiving meal! Anna and Raven even get to do a taste test on the air!
Keith and Marissa’s college aged daughter is coming home from college for the first time. They typically travel to Marissa’s mother’s house for the weekend. Her daughter doesn’t want to go because she really would like to see her friends. She wants to just stay home and miss seeing her grandmother. He doesn’t think it’s a big deal, plus, she’s an adult now. She can make her own decisions. Marissa disagrees, on the holidays, they visit family. What do you think?
Lauren has a chance to win $2500! All she has to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!