Nutrition at Sea: Expert Tips from The Yacht Nutritionist | Tales from the Superyacht Laundry

Dec 03, 2024, 03:56 PM

Join host Cherise Reedman on Tales from the Superyacht Laundry, where she interviews Katrina D'Artois, aka The Yacht Nutritionist. Explore Katrina’s inspiring journey from yoga instructor to yacht crew member and her transformation into a maritime nutrition expert. This episode highlights the challenges of maintaining a balanced diet aboard superyachts, mindful eating tips, and debunking popular diet myths. Katrina shares her expertise on crew food, pregnancy nutrition, the impact of processed foods, and her mission to elevate the health and well-being of those at sea.

For Katrina D'Artois:
@the.yachtnutritionist - Instagram

Sponsored by Seas The Mind:
@seasthemind - Instagram
@seasthemind - LinkedIn

For Yacht Pearls of Wisdom
@yachtpearlsofwisdom - Instagram
@yachtpearlsofwisdom - Facebook
@Yacht Pearls of Wisdom - LinkedIn

For Cherise Reedman:

Produced by Maxine Holmes

#YachtNutritionist #SuperyachtLife #YachtingWellness #CrewFoodMatters #YachtingInternationalRadio #WeRYIR #SuperyachtLifestyle