Bittersweet farewell

Dec 05, 2024, 08:53 PM

"Voyages on large bodies of water used to be more complicated than today, since water not only being the life-giver also is connected to death and peril. Being away on a sea voyage could and still can involve being away from loved ones for a very long time, and therein a farewell can include both anticipation for the travels and expecting a longing for the loved ones. To embark is therefore in a sense a bittersweet farewell. 

"This piece is in itself a voyage, it starts building some anticipation, climaxing in a sweet melody but is later transformed into something more bittersweet and involves a farewell in the end. You can almost imagine standing looking at the ship ever so slowly leaving shore and watching it disappear towards the horizon, while at the same time seeing other boats coming and going.

"This recording is based on sounds of waves by the Giudecca canal boat traffic next to San Basilio cruise terminal in Venice, Italy. 

"The music was recorded on a Steinway C by layering some chord structures, a bassline and a melody and later rearranging everything in Ableton Live."

San Basilio, Venice reimagined by Stefan Klaverdal.