Planetary Ascension to Higher Consciousness - Bob Frissell

Dec 06, 2024, 11:36 PM


A 30th anniversary edition of the underground classic.

Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are:
The Secret History of the Earth, Merkaba Activation, and Breath Alchemy, Bob Frissell,
Amazon Aff. Link  *Also available as an ebook

Bob offers some wonderful info from the book. I love the history of the Dogon and their connection to ETs. Their knowledge of the cosmos made scientists scratch their heads. We get into the Breath Alchemy info later in the interview. 

In this 30th anniversary edition of the underground classic, Bob Frissell shares an updated account of Earth’s ancient past as seen through the eyes of the Ascended Masters. He details the transformation we must make if we are to stay with the Earth as she moves into higher dimensions.

• Provides tools and exercises to support ascension into higher consciousness, including Merkaba Light Body activation meditation, Breath Alchemy practices, and techniques to access your Higher Self.

Bio: Bob Frissell is the founder of the Breath Alchemy Technique and has been
a teacher of breathwork for more than 35 years. A senior student of Jim Leonard in breathwork and Drunvalo Melchizedek in the “Flower of Life,” he is the author of several books, including Catching the Ascension Wave.

Foreword by Richard Grossinger, curator of the Inner Traditions collection Sacred Planet Books and author of Bottoming out the Universe and Dreamtimes and Thoughtforms.

Blog: Breath Alchemy Technique
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