201 - Brooke Schofield Defends New BF Amid Allegations He Dated a Minor + TikToker vs Hairdresser

Dec 10, 2024, 11:29 AM

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In today's episode, we discuss Brooke Schofield's response to the allegations swirling about her new boyfriend, Miles McFly, who allegedly dated a 16-year old when he was in his late 20's. Then we have yet another client vs hairdresser feud that blew up on TikTok after the client was not pleased with the color of her hair. 

00:00 Introduction
05:43 The Issue w/ Brooke Schofield's New BF 
01:07:02 Hairdresser vs Client 
01:43:01 We Love the Internet

We Love The Internet:

We hope you enjoyed this episode! Please let us know on Twitter or Instagram if you have any topic suggestions for next Sunday! (@lily_marston & @jessismiles__)

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