The Stephen Riordan Show: Meghan Alfaro, Music Educator

Season 2, Episode 298,   Dec 17, 2024, 03:18 PM

Meghan Alfaro, a native of St. Petersburg, is a graduate of St. Petersburg College and Florida State University. She has been a public school music educator in Pinellas County for the past 24 years, teaching elementary music at San Jose Elementary in Dunedin, and Lakewood and Northwest Elementary in St. Petersburg. Currently she serves as the Pinellas County Schools K-12 Performing Arts Instructional Staff Developer, where she provides professional learning and coaching for all K-12 Performing Arts teachers, as well as manages the Performing Arts Cadre, a training and mentoring program for teachers in years 1-3 of their careers. She is currently working toward her Master’s in Educational Leadership at Florida Gulfcoast University.

Meghan is a soprano and has sung with many local arts organizations, including Florida Pro Musica Early Music Ensemble and the St. Pete Opera , having performed in the chorus in several SPO productions as well as Opera Idol. She is still actively performing in the Tampa Bay Area at various churches as a guest vocalist.
Meghan has been a clinician for the Pinellas County Schools All-County Elementary Choir and was previously the Artistic Director for the Tampa Bay Children’s Chorus, now Lumina Youth Choirs. Under her direction the chorus performed at the University of Wisconsin, Doreen Rao’s Choral Music Experience in Chicago, IL, and at Carnegie Hall.

Meghan is a sought-after clinician, having presented on the topic of music education at local, state, and national conferences. This spring, she and others on her team will be the Keynote speakers at the National Association for Music Education Program Leaders Forum in Hartford, CT.

 Meghan is a passionate arts advocate and has a heart for service. She has served on the board of both local and state music education organizations, including as an All-County coordinator, past president of the Pinellas County Music Educators Association where she led the organization through the challenges of Covid, and is currently the president-elect of the Florida Elementary Music Educators Association. She also serves on the board of Arts for a Complete Education (ACE), an affiliate of the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance. ACE works to advocate for arts in schools at the local and state level.

#ArtsforaCompleteEducation #ACE #PinellasCountyMusicEducators #FloridaElementaryMusicEducatorsAssociation #StPeteOpera
 #PinellasCountySchools K-12PerformingArts #stephenriordan #stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete 
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