Gardening in Florida: Florida-Friendly Landscape Tips 12/27/2024
Season 2, Episode 319, Dec 27, 2024, 04:11 PM
In this first episode of Gardening in Florida, your host Nanette Wiser talks about the nine Florida-Friendly Landscaping Principals and Florida-friendly plants. Based on University of Florida research, these tips help you reduce environmental impact from stormwater run-off, pest control and fertilizers. Learn how you can plant an aesthetically pleasing, lower-maintenance landscape that is drought-resistant and help protect our state's natural resources. USEFUL LINKS: Florida Botanical Gardens
#floridafriendlylandscaping #gardening #sustainablepractices #floridagardening #floridabotanicalgardens #universityofflorida #nanettewiser
#stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete
#floridafriendlylandscaping #gardening #sustainablepractices #floridagardening #floridabotanicalgardens #universityofflorida #nanettewiser
#stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete