Monday Musing: Michigan Republicans Help Restaurant Lobby By Hurting Servers & Workers
Episode 214, Jan 13, 09:26 PM
#Podcast #Politics #Economics #Progressives #Democrats #WorkingClass #CorporateGreed #Donors #Republican #RepublicanCorruption #MAGA #Michigan #MichiganPolitics #MinimumWage #PaidSickLeave #News #LeftOfLansing
Here's the Left Of Lansing "Monday Musing" for January 13, 2024.
The new MAGA Michigan Republican majority in the state House is supporting the working class by... watering down minimum wage raises and paid sick time leave?
Michigan House Republicans are taking their marching orders from the powerful restaurant lobby by working to oppose what the voters in the state wanted: a $15 minimum wage by 2028 including a phase-out of tipped wages as well, and paid sick time increases.
Because when in doubt, you can always count on corrupt Republicans to hurt the working class while supporting management.
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Here's the Left Of Lansing "Monday Musing" for January 13, 2024.
The new MAGA Michigan Republican majority in the state House is supporting the working class by... watering down minimum wage raises and paid sick time leave?
Michigan House Republicans are taking their marching orders from the powerful restaurant lobby by working to oppose what the voters in the state wanted: a $15 minimum wage by 2028 including a phase-out of tipped wages as well, and paid sick time increases.
Because when in doubt, you can always count on corrupt Republicans to hurt the working class while supporting management.
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Left of Lansing is now on YouTube as well!