How to build a better relationship with Mike Campos (Introducing... God)

Season 4, Episode 32,   Jan 21, 08:00 AM

Season 4 has kicked off with another bomb episode and we continue with that momentum.

On Episode 2 of season 4 we have a special topic we will be discussing. “How to better your relationship” “how to introduce God into your relationship” both very similar right? That’s because in order to improve anything it will require change and intentionality.

Introducing God to any relationship requires first and for most a selfless heart, sounds counter active but before you introduce God for a “better” relationship, the change starts with you. Everything around you gets better once you take accountability and understand if you heal, if you change, if you improve… everything else will too.

Yes I cry, yes I get emotional, because healing takes time, transparency requires bravery and doing this to help others requires one to put themselves in the chopping block. Although you guys have never really done that, I get scared at times but them I also remember fear is not from the Lord. What is from Him is to be strong and curates.

Feel free to take notes, I gave some pretty cool nuggets, tips to help better yourself and relationships. Please leave comments, sharing how this relates to you, what problems or situations are you going thru? I want to connect, you know to realize we are not alone in this world.If you are too shy, email me. Whatever but let’s not do life alone anymore.

I pray this season, God gives us the wisdom to hear, listen, develop and grow as individuals, so that the other relationships can hear, listen, develop and grow as well. I believe this season will be of impact! Of change and healing. The MNAC Effect mission statement is: “To help hurt people, to hope. In heart, mind, body and spirit” in Jesus Christ name. I want to thank all my guest in advance for the love and time donated to this podcast, as any donation is a direct blessing and healing to my inner child. Praise the Lord for His healing and Glory! #Themaceffect #maceffect #mac #mikecampos6 #god #love #hope #faith #joy #question #hurtpeople #hurt #healing #healpeople #healingmind #healingbody #healingheart #healingspirit #morals #chorebelieves #growingpain #thewilltofight #keepgoing #youhavepurpose #awakening #understanding #building #fundamentals #ihaveaquestion #iwanttolearn #growing #growingpains #letsgetitright #nottoday #nottodaysatan #jesuschrist #inJesusname #lovealwayswins #peace #letsgetit #testing #learning #process #developing #maturing #fatherhood #motherhood #husband #wife #partnership #equals #tildeath #god #processing #process #guest #podcast #shorts #growth