Listeners Pick the Best Music of 2024 Part 11: The Cure, Iron and Wine, Best Bets, Arab Strap

Episode 2033,   Jan 16, 08:00 AM

 Happy New Year and welcome to the Best of 2024 series! Our listeners are choosing their favorite album and song from last year and today it’s a two-fer of 2024 picks. First up, Jason Goebel checks in from New York City, naming The Cure’s Songs For A Lost World as his album of the year and choosing Iron and Wine’s “All in Good Time,” which features Fiona Apple, as his song of the year. Then, it’s Liam McIndoe from Dublin, who chooses Best Bets “Spooky Signals” as song of the year and I’m Totally Fine With It I Don’t Give a F**k Anymore from the great Scottish band Arab Strap as his LP of the year. Thanks for all your contributions this year, guys! 

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Theme music: "Ascension," originally by Quartjar, next covered by Frank Muffin and now re-done in a high-voltage version by Quartjar again!  Visit and