What Does Leadership REALLY Mean?

Season 7, Episode 10,   Jan 21, 12:00 PM

If you’re applying to a new job or graduate school program, it’s a safe bet that “leadership skills” will appear high on the list of applicant qualifications. But we have to ask: what is a leader, and what skills define one? Why is it one of the most-asked-for skillsets from supervisors? And perhaps the most burning question: what does a candidate include on a resume to show they’re a leader? If you’ve also been scratching your head while trying to answer these questions, you’ve found the right podcast! In today’s episode of Work Like A Laker, host Megan Riksen sits down with Megan Rydecki, the Director of the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies, to unravel the mystery surrounding leadership once and for all.

Read the full transcript here.

Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies
Cook Leadership Academy

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