St. Pete Catalyst's "Arts Alive! podcast" w/ Bill DeYoung: Jobsite’s ‘Macbeth’ 1-17-25
Season 2, Episode 367, Jan 18, 12:41 AM
It’s Shakespeare season for Tampa’s ever-innovative Jobsite Theater. Every year at just about this time, the company goes all-Bard – and for 2025, it’s Macbeth, aka the Scottish Play, one of Shakespeare’s darkest and most visceral tragedies.
The cast of “Macbeth.” This image (by Stage Photography of Tampa) is discussed on the podcast.
Today on Arts Alive! we welcome actors Giles Davies and Katrina Stevenson, who are portraying, respectively, the power-hungry king himself and the conniving (and cursed) Lady Macbeth.
Staged in the Jaeb Theatre, inside Tampa’s Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Macbeth opens tonight and will run through Feb. 9.
Both performers are longtime members of the company, and will be familiar to anyone who’s seen a play – almost any type of play – at Jobsite over the past decade (or more).
It’s a fascinating interview, as Stevenson discusses the production’s setting, and its elaborate costumes (she is also the company’s costume designer) and Davies, a recognized expert in the translation and distillation of Shakespearean dialogue, explains the process for “new” actors and their first encounter with such complex verbiage. #Jobsite #macbeth #gilesdavies #Katrinastevenson #stpetecatalyst #artsalive #billdeyoung #tampabay #radio #radiostpete
The cast of “Macbeth.” This image (by Stage Photography of Tampa) is discussed on the podcast.
Today on Arts Alive! we welcome actors Giles Davies and Katrina Stevenson, who are portraying, respectively, the power-hungry king himself and the conniving (and cursed) Lady Macbeth.
Staged in the Jaeb Theatre, inside Tampa’s Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Macbeth opens tonight and will run through Feb. 9.
Both performers are longtime members of the company, and will be familiar to anyone who’s seen a play – almost any type of play – at Jobsite over the past decade (or more).
It’s a fascinating interview, as Stevenson discusses the production’s setting, and its elaborate costumes (she is also the company’s costume designer) and Davies, a recognized expert in the translation and distillation of Shakespearean dialogue, explains the process for “new” actors and their first encounter with such complex verbiage. #Jobsite #macbeth #gilesdavies #Katrinastevenson #stpetecatalyst #artsalive #billdeyoung #tampabay #radio #radiostpete