Wednesday, January 22: The Worst Cold Weather Jobs; Punished For Eating Too Many Hot Dogs; Connecticut's Bigfoot Sightings
Jan 22, 05:24 PM
With temperatures dropping close to zero, Chaz and AJ tried to determine what the worst job to have in the cold weather is and took calls from the Tribe who are braving the frigid weather. (0:00)
Emily Siero ponders the question: “Is being chained to an oil tank an appropriate punishment for eating too many hot dogs? A Pennsylvania mother learned the answer to that question. (15:29)
Elise Bischoff, of the “Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization” shared some of her experiences researching the elusive beast, who has been spotted in Connecticut 25 times! (22:24)
You'd think putting drugs in a bag marked "Definitely Not a Bag Full of Drugs’ would be a foolproof plan. Turns out, that's not so much the case! (38:29)
Emily Siero ponders the question: “Is being chained to an oil tank an appropriate punishment for eating too many hot dogs? A Pennsylvania mother learned the answer to that question. (15:29)
Elise Bischoff, of the “Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization” shared some of her experiences researching the elusive beast, who has been spotted in Connecticut 25 times! (22:24)
You'd think putting drugs in a bag marked "Definitely Not a Bag Full of Drugs’ would be a foolproof plan. Turns out, that's not so much the case! (38:29)