Jennifer Joern: Blue Pearl Pet Blood Donations

Season 2, Episode 382,   Jan 22, 08:00 PM


Karen Carmichael interviews Jennifer Joern about her involvement with Passion for Pits and Blue Pearl Pet Blood Donations. Jennifer shares the story of how she began fostering and rescuing dogs, specifically focusing on bully breeds and pit bulls through the local rescue organization. She discusses her experiences with her dogs CeCe, Bruno and Stanley including their roles as canine blood donors. Jennifer explains the process and criteria for dogs to become blood donors, emphasizing the importance of canine blood donation for saving other pets' lives. She also gives practical information on how pet owners can get involved and ensure their dogs become eligible donors.

For information email the Clearwater location at
Blue Pearl Pet Hospital
4701 Ulmerton Rd. Ste. 500 
Clearwater, FL 33762

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