AITA for Taking Back My ‘Flawed’ Crocheted Gift? + More (Reddit Stories) | Ep. 167
Episode 167 - w/ Steph, Madi, Brandon, Sam
IMPORTANT NOTE: Moving forward, we separated our podcast's video and audio versions on Spotify. This is the audio version. You can find the video version by looking for Comfort Level Podcast (Video). If you prefer to watch podcasts like me, please follow the page to help us grow so people can find the video version. Finally, I just wanted to thank everyone who follows the podcast! I really appreciate your support. I've attached the link below. - Madi
0:00 Announcement
0:31 Steph is BACCCKK
3:26 AITA For Refusing To Demote My Dog After My Sister Gave Her Baby The Same Name
4:50 Response
10:29 AITA For Refusing To Give My Family Winnings To My Family After They Excluded Me From a Family Trip
12:08 Response
19:23 AITA For Declining To Fix The Errors I Made In a Black I Crocheted For Someone And Taking It Back Instead
21:38 Response
26:48 AITA For No Longer Giving Support To My Wife's Family After I Became Successful With My Own Company
29:34 Response
37:27 Extra Story on Patreon
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