Listening Room Festival 2/23 @Palladium Hough Hall w/Fran Snyder
Season 2, Episode 414, Feb 06, 03:12 PM
Host Nanette Wiser caught up with musician Fran Snyder, who after touring successfully for years, got involved in the Listening Room Network which hosts house concerts around the U.S. The Listening Room Festival celebrates 14 years, with a week of house concerts 2/19-2/24 around Tampa Bay and the Annual Showcase at The Palladium's Hough Hall 2/23 starting at 3pm, with an after party for VIP tickets. The Showcase features Ben Gage, Dirty Cello, Goldpine, and Julian Taylor. Enjoy our unique festival, featuring acoustic original music from great singer-songwriters and a mind-bending cello performance! Says Snyder: " About 14 years ago, we decided to have a festival, a celebration of this idea of music in small, intimate places like house concerts. We have four wonderful acts who are coming to town, playing concerts all week long in different houses and backyards. The highlight of the festival, our biggest event, is the showcase at the Palladium theatre where you can see all four acts on the big stage at this beautiful theatre."
**LISTENING ROOMS NETWORK It started as an idea to create house concert tours for artists, by inspiring enough hosts in one region to collaborate and present a fantastic week of music in a remarkable way. Since 2012, we’ve created a community out of the individual house concert presenters and fans in our region. In recent years, this annual festival has become the iconic event of our worldwide network – house concert presenters and music fans travel great distances to join their tribe and take in a wonderful music vacation. Join as a FAN to receive announcements and our event schedule. Join as a HOST if you’d like to have a concert in your home or special venue!
#listeningroomfestival #bengage #dirtycello #goldpine #juliantaylor #palladium #houghhall #music #houseconcerts #listeningroomnetwork #fransnyder #stpetemusic #stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete
**LISTENING ROOMS NETWORK It started as an idea to create house concert tours for artists, by inspiring enough hosts in one region to collaborate and present a fantastic week of music in a remarkable way. Since 2012, we’ve created a community out of the individual house concert presenters and fans in our region. In recent years, this annual festival has become the iconic event of our worldwide network – house concert presenters and music fans travel great distances to join their tribe and take in a wonderful music vacation. Join as a FAN to receive announcements and our event schedule. Join as a HOST if you’d like to have a concert in your home or special venue!
#listeningroomfestival #bengage #dirtycello #goldpine #juliantaylor #palladium #houghhall #music #houseconcerts #listeningroomnetwork #fransnyder #stpetemusic #stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete