LIVE LIFE BETTER: February is American Heart Month, Wear Red Day 2/7
Season 2, Episode 415, Feb 06, 03:30 PM
In this episode of Live Life Better, host Nanette Wiser shares why February's American Heart Month is important for education and awareness about heart health, encourage heart disease prevention, and support research. Nationally and in Tampa Bay, February is when organizations and individuals across the country organize events and activities to educate the public about heart disease risk factors and prevention strategies; promote regular physical activity, healthy eating, and smoking cessation; encourage people to get their blood pressure and cholesterol checked and support research into new treatments and cures for heart disease. Learning about heart attack symptoms and getting CPR certified is important. Check locally and join a heart walk in your community. February 7: National Wear Red Day (wear red to raise awareness) February 9: National Heart Health Day. The American Heart Association annual gala is the Tampa Bay Heart Ball is March 29 6-11:30pm at the Tampa Motor Enclave
#americanheartmonth #hearthealth #heartwalk #heartattacks #learncpr #nanettewiser
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#americanheartmonth #hearthealth #heartwalk #heartattacks #learncpr #nanettewiser
#livelifebetter #tampabay #americanheartassociation #stpete #stpetefl #tampabay #radio #radiostpete