Northern BC Canucks visit the IHI Forum featuring Dr. Kalah Blackstock, Dr. Darren Jakubec, Dr. Christin Fabriel-Leclerc, Dr. Ian Schokking and Dr. Omesh Syal
Season 4, Episode 8, Feb 14, 11:15 PM
Each year, the Institute of Healthcare Improvement holds its annual forum in December. Over 4 days, between 3 to 4 thousand healthcare quality improvers from across the world join together for a packed program of workshops, QI project reports, improvement science education and keynote lectures from renown speakers. This year, a large contingent of Canadians made the trip including some from Northern British Columbia so we decided to bring these Northern Physicians together for a fun panel discussion about their experiences and what they learned from this year’s forum. This is the recording of that discussion moderated by our regular Qualitycast North host Dr. Shyr Chui. We talk about our key takeaways, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s keynote, power networking and tips for first-time forum attendees.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Dr. Kedar Mate and Dr. Thomas Lee Keynote
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Dr. Kedar Mate and Dr. Thomas Lee Keynote