What's the difference between a violin and a fiddle? | MUSIC WORDS
Episode 33, Feb 19, 06:00 AM
Let this episode be music to your ears as Rob Watts and Jess Zafarris explore the melodic origins of all manner of musical words.
👦 Which instrument used to be called a "ho boy"?
🎤 What does "karaoke" literally mean?
🎷 Who is the saxophone named after?
🎶 How good is Rob's theremin impression?
These questions answered, and many more in another Words Unravelled.
WATCH THIS EPISODE: https://youtu.be/Kbvsg8ZPstg
👦 Which instrument used to be called a "ho boy"?
🎤 What does "karaoke" literally mean?
🎷 Who is the saxophone named after?
🎶 How good is Rob's theremin impression?
These questions answered, and many more in another Words Unravelled.
WATCH THIS EPISODE: https://youtu.be/Kbvsg8ZPstg