Episode 563. Exploring Auras and Energy Fields with Amy Leigh Mercree

Season 11, Episode 563,   Sep 06, 2024, 07:00 AM


This week on Radically Loved, we interview bestselling author Amy Leigh Mercree about her new book, Aura Alchemy. We discuss the concept of auras, the meaning of different colors, and the intersection of science and spirituality. Amy shares her experiences as a medical intuitive and how she uses synesthesia to gather information. We also explore topics like time particles, gravitons, and the many worlds theory. Amy guides listeners through a meditation to help them feel and own their space. Amy also explains the interconnection between chakras, meridians, and the aura, and how they work together. The conversation highlights the importance of self-belief and the power of our own intuition. 

Three reasons to listen to the whole podcast: 

1. Learn about how auras are biologically generated electromagnetic fields that surround all living things. 2. Discover the intersection of science and spirituality, which can provide insights into the nature of reality and consciousness. 3. Learn to tap into your own Auric field!


(00:00:00) Introduction and Background (00:03:39) Exploring Auras and Energy Fields (00:16:46) Unraveling the Mystery of Time Particles and Gravitons (00:23:43) Tapping into Your Own Aura for Self-Love and Spiritual Well-Being (00:23:57) Owning Your Space: The Key to Health and Well-being (00:29:38) The Interconnection of Chakras, Meridians, and the Aura (00:32:46) Understanding Cold Sores as Manifestations of Damp Heat (00:41:30) Harnessing the Power of Bath Rituals for Wellness


Website: https://amyleighmercree.com/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/amyleighmercree/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/amyleighmercree  Books: https://amyleighmercree.com/books/ 

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