Which flower makes you wet the bed? | FLOWER NAME ORIGINS

Episode 36,   Mar 12, 06:00 AM

Welcome to another bloomin' wonderful episode of Words Unravelled. This time, Rob and Jess are discussing the origins of all manner of flower name.
🌻Which flower makes you wet the bed?
👁️Which flower's name means "day's eye"?
🌹What is the origin of the word rose?
🥒What did Jess name her cucumber plant?
These questions answered - and many more - in this anthology of horticultural etymologies.

🎥 Watch this episode: https://youtu.be/9Z2kjEJAscs
🤬 Merriam-Webster's flowers that sound like insults: https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/plant-names-that-sound-like-insults