Braille and Beyond Tour Visits The Hive in Worcester - Afternoon Edition
Season 2, Episode 1001, Nov 20, 2024, 03:30 PM
As we celebrate 200 years since the invention of the tactile reading and writing system braille, RNIB’s Braille and Beyond Tour is continuing to make its way across the UK.
In November the tour arrived at The Hive in Worcester. Amelia Hilton spoke with Dave William during the excitement of the day.
To find out more about braille and how the RNIB is celebrating 200 years since Louis Braille invented the system visit:
Image shows the Braille 200 logo with 'Braille 200' written at the top in white text on a pink background with a visual Braille representation of the same text below it. Across the bottom is written Powered by RNIB and EBU written in their respective logos.
In November the tour arrived at The Hive in Worcester. Amelia Hilton spoke with Dave William during the excitement of the day.
To find out more about braille and how the RNIB is celebrating 200 years since Louis Braille invented the system visit:
Image shows the Braille 200 logo with 'Braille 200' written at the top in white text on a pink background with a visual Braille representation of the same text below it. Across the bottom is written Powered by RNIB and EBU written in their respective logos.