Machado and Harper, Flacco in Denver, Magic in the East, Valentine Day Bet Preview, AAF League
Gabe Morency and Cam Stewart discussed the NBA games on Valentine's Day and previewed their picks and point spreads for the evening. They also talked about the ad's on TV and how they are in so much competition to sell things. They discussed the AAF Le...
Gabe Morency and Cam Stewart discussed the NBA games on Valentine's Day and previewed their picks and point spreads for the evening. They also talked about the ad's on TV and how they are in so much competition to sell things. They discussed the AAF League and previewed the matchups and discussed what games will be going over the total and point spreads. They also make mention that the Orlando Magic can win their division with a easy schedule after the All-Star break. They discussed Joe Flacco in Denver now and weigh in on whether the Broncos are desperate with this move because they still have Case Keenum on the team. Lastly, they weigh in on Manny Machado and Bryce Harper still being free agents and debate whether teams are reluctant to give them the years and money they are requesting.
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